Thursday, September 24, 2009


Sorry I have been a bad blogger...we have been adjusting to returning to school. This is a picture of my daughter and I on the first day of school. My daughter is a freshman at the high school where I teach. Easier for me,but possibly hard for her. :) She is on the tennis basically,no time to sew! Adjusting to going back to school is always difficult! :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

DQS7 !!!

This is the lovely doll quilt I received from Shelley for round 7 of the Doll Quilt Swap. I just love it! She nailed my likes! Civil war bow ties...doesn't get any better than this! The really odd thing is,I don't have a single fabric in this quilt in my extensive collection of repro fabric! Many thanks Shelley for this wonderful little gem!