Things have been so crazy here that I haven't had a chance to post. Although on spring break,it seems like there hasn't been time. Probably because my MIL is visiting. Company has a way of taking up your time. I did manage to finish up all my swaps though. Now to just get them to the post office! This little number is off to Mari in Norway. Its for the Mini QUilt in a Bag Lovely Logs swap. She requested something springy....most of you know me and know this one is WAAAY outta my comfort zone! I think its pretty though,and hope she will like it. I wish you could see how nice and crinkly it got after washing and drying.
1 comment:
Weather is confusing here in So. CA. A couple of days ago it was 55, today 99!
My Give Away, if I haven't told you already:
To be given away on June 1st - Three Moda Jelly Rolls - Nature's Chorus, Baskets of Flowers, Spring Magic. To enter simply post your quilt picture on the Show and Tell page: http://www.quiltqua.com/showandtell/upload/
Make sure you note YOUR NAME along with the title of the quilt - each posting is one entry into the Give-away
There will be three winners - names drawn at random from the Show and Tell postings on May 31st and posted on this page June 1st. If you have previously posted a photo, simply drop me an e-mail quiltqua@gmail.com and let me know you wish to be entered.
***I plan to start a new category at Quilt Qua - for Give Aways, so do let me know if you are having one, or if you know of one.
***Here is a great write-up about Quilt Qua in SuzNuz: http://www.suzguzdesigns.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/sgdapr09nuz.pdf
***Also, let me know if you wish to link to me to move to the first list of blogs on the website.
I hope you are having lovely Spring weather where you live!
Thank you,
Connie Colten
Quilt Qua
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