Sunday, March 21, 2010

My New Life

Life has kinda gotten in the way of blogging and sewing for that matter lately. I haven't touched fabric or my machine in over a month. The orchid above was a housewarming gift from my two best girlsfriends.....housewarming you say? Yes,things are a bit different around here. I am one month into a need to feel sad for me,I should have done this long ago. I moved this weekend into a lovely little townhouse and am busy nesting and unpacking. The master bedroom is large enough to have a sewing area on one side.....I spent my first weekend alone,while my 14 year old daughter spent the weekend with her dad. I think I will have waaaaay more free time in this new life. :)

Anyway,once things get settled I want to make some quilted pillows for my new digs. The townhouse came already decorated in shabby chic style,so will have lots of fun playing house. Hope all is well with my quilting buds! Onward and upward!


Not Lucy said...

I am sorry to hear about the divorce but I don't feel sorry for you. Been there, done that and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Have fun in your new home and have fun making it your own. Enjoy life!

Brenda said...

best wishes in your new digs. I was just thinking about you this weekend when I saw the mini quilt you swapped with me.

Debbie Minerva said...

Congratulations on your new life. It may be corny and trite (nevertheless true) that when one door closes, somewhere a window is opened.

I came across your blog when I hit "next blog" from mine.

Anonymous said...

Ditto..I am with Lucy, been there, done that and am much happier.
You will have so much fun nesting in your new place and will find that yes, there is more me time and quilt time :-)
I remember I could only afford a really small place in my first apartment and sewed out of a closet. It can be done.
Enjoy the new life, if the blues hit buy fabric...

Holee said...

I haven't been around much but today I stopped by your dad's blog and decided to come visit you. I won't feel sorry for is short and happiness is the goal no matter how that happens.

I have to tell you, I never look back and never gave my "divorces" a thought..married him 3 times and I can tell you, once it's wrong it will always be wrong. BUT, I will be 65 this year and I did look back now because I just got my first check on the X's Social woulda thought that would make me so happy! lol

Cheers to the new life and new home!