Friday, October 2, 2009

It's bad.....

I've lost my quilting mojo. There. I said it. It has been....gasp....over a month. I've sat in my sewing room and tried. But I can't. I'm burned out. Too many swaps. Too many flakes in swaps. So...taking a break from swaps and such. I think I will try a little brainless 4 patching this weekend. Gotta get my groove back.....


Jennie said...

Oh, no!! I know what you mean about too many swaps... although I have been fortunate- I've never been flaked on!! I'm taking a total swapping break until at least January. If you have another hobby, just give it a go for a while and see what happens! I've been knitting a LOT lately, I don't have much inspiration to sew right now. Hugs, and I hope the mo-jo comes back soon!!
~ Jennie

lej619 said...

Hey Tracy
sorry to hear you lose your mojo.
also to hear that you have been flaked on. that is not nice at all.
hope you have a good weekend.

Tom H said...

I think it's time for someone to start a "Flakes Hall of Fame". You flake out just once and you're name is inscribed for all to see..

lej619 said...

I agree Tracy I also have lost my mogo. i have 2 more blocks to make and sent out and them I am putting quilting on the back burner. I knit so that will keep me going. I am still looking at quilts and wanting to make them but just dont have the get up and go to go do it.